Rose Garden

Located next to Brandon Heritage Centre on George Street, our Rose Garden is in a prime visitor location. Roses planted here are adopted by members of the local community with many planted as memorials to loved ones.

After the initial plans for the site were delayed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, a new approach was taken to revitalise this once overgrown area.

A decision was made to fill the garden with roses, transforming the space into a beautiful environment for all to enjoy.

Members of the local community were invited to adopt the individual roses. This initiative not only created a sense of shared ownership and pride but also provided crucial funding for the renovation of the site.

Original plans were delayed due the coronavirus pandemic

Roses have been adopted by the local community

Gravel was supplied free by a local suppler and the soil was enriched using manure from a local stables. A bench, made from recycled car tyres, has been installed in memory of David Bimson who was a founder of the Heritage Centre.

The garden began to take shape in 2020, after months of dedicated hard work from our volunteers and community members.

Roses were carefully selected, purchased, and planted, marking the first phase of the transformation. The following year companion plants were added to complement the roses.

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