Today saw 15 regular volunteers (almost a full contingent!) out on the streets of Brandon.
First team were clearing the planting from the Wedge. This was a difficult task as the grasses and perennials have been in situ for over two years! They had started to become quite overgrown (a testament to the quality of the green waste compost used on planting!) so we are dividing the plants and re-planting them in a new area soon!
Another team were along George Street, a side street by the Heritage centre has become full of woody weeds, so our team are doing a spot of Guerilla Gardening here tidying up!
Our final team were checking over the cut evergreens used in the high street displays. Removing any sections that had wilted.
Our volunteers meet every Wednesday morning, whatever the weather (if its too awful its straight for coffee & cake!) join us if you can!